Wednesday, 27 February 2013

More Weddings!!!

Today I just wanted to dedicate a little post to some recent exciting news! Chris's little sister got engaged friday before last! Her bofriend, now fiance, (and my brother in law to be!) whisked her away to Paris to pop the big question.  We did a little picture of both of our engagement rings together above to celebrate. She has the red nails and the beautiful platinum gold ring, which fits her perfectly (well done Alfie)!

I am very glad that once our big day is over I will still be able to get excited about weddingy things! Gosh aren't weddings the most fun things ever!? I could talk about them forever...weddings, weddings, weddings...

Congratulations Rosie and Alfie!!!

Laura xXx
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Monday, 25 February 2013

Avocado and Banana Smoothie

avocado smoothie
Todays post is really about two things. First off, an awesomely healthy avocado and banana smoothie (as the title would suggest.) But also my flippin amazing new glasses. Aren't they beautiful? Ok, we'll do the recipe first then I'll talk some more about the glasses.
avocado and banana smoothie
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 banana
  • 200ml milk (I used hemp milk but any kind will do)
  • 200ml water
  • Agave syrup to taste (or you can use honey)
Simply mash the avocados and banana with a fork. Then pop them into a blender, along with the milk and water, then blend. Give it a taste and add agave syrup or honey to your liking. Pretty simple huh!?
mason jar tumblers

But what did it taste like? You might think avocado and banana a strange mixture, but they actually worked quite well together. A little unusual I must admit, but it was very similar to a banana smoothie. I don't think the recipe is perfect yet, but it is certainly well on its way to being one of my favourites. The texture was good, although perhaps I will try it with a bit more liquid next time. Perhaps we didn't need quite as much as pictured, but it  was definitely a good, healthy start to the day! I'd like to try it with some oats next time, to make it even more substantial. I think avocados are the best, what with them being a superfood and all, so I am generally happy with anything that has avocado in it!

Now, the glasses! Well, actually they are 'Mason Jar Tumblers'. This is quite an american thing I think, and I bought them from an American shop on etsy called Poppy and Pearl. I bought 5 all together and they all came with different coloured straws and little washable chalkboard labels on the front! You can use them with the straws or without the top at all. I absolutely love them!
poppy and pearl mason jar tumblers

Laura xXx

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Friday, 22 February 2013

Book Club - The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

“The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.” 

Since I have been reading more recently I thought I would do a review of the books that I particularly like. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern definitely makes it onto that list! I love books that transport you to magical worlds, and this book does just that. However, The Night Circus is based in our own world in the late 1800's and the magic therein is only known by some!

“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.” 

It is essentially a love story, but rather a complicated one. Not that this is a bad thing, I actually enjoyed this attention to detail very much! Before we are introduced to the love story, we are introduced to a magical competition, or a game if you like. The Circus is to be the setting of that game. 

“Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. The future is never set in stone, remember that.” 

The characters in this book are complex, but ultimately very likeable. The Circus itself is really the biggest character in the book. Through Morgenstern's words we can smell it, taste it , and see the muted colour in all its glory. We are given delightful insights into the magic inside some of the tents. I loved hearing what was in each tent, and actually, although in the book they are made using magic, I would love to see them re-created in real life. The cloud maze, the ice garden, the labyrinth, the pool of tears, all are even more magical than they sound. One of my favourites was The Wishing Tree, where candles are lit to make a wish, and one wish is used to light another. Widgets tent was my absolute favourite, where whole experiences were kept in jars and bottles and boxes, ready to delight whoever is to open it!

“I made a wish on this tree years ago," Marco says."What did you wish for?" Bailey asks. Marco leans forward and whispers in Bailey's ear. "I wished for her."

This book absolutely enchanted me. I wish they would make a movie of it, although I am sure they could not capture the essence of the Circus as well as Morgenstern has done with her words. Or better still, can someone actually make the circus itself please? It's a goodie, you must read it if you get the chance! Its also a proper bargain on Amazon at the moment.  This is actually Morgenstern's first book, so I am really excited to see what she does next!

Currently I'm reading 'Life of Pi', but I would love to hear your suggestions of what I should read next!

Laura xXx

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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Miniature Garland DIY

miniature garland
On thursday I was given a box of yummy chocolates, and the foil wrappers they were in were such pretty colours I just had to make them into something! 

Have you ever been given chocolates at the end of a meal and made the wrapper into something? For some reason my family always used to do this, it became a bit of a competition. Rings and flowers were the most common items, but today I am going to show you how to make a pretty miniature garland... however you will have to eat an entire box of chocolates in order to do this. I know, I know, I am so cruel!
diy supplies
What you need;
  • Collection of foil sweet wrappers
  • Pretty coloured thread
  • A thin needle
chocolate foil
Start by squishing each piece of foil paper into a little ball. If the other side of the foil is another colour try to fold it back and tuck it in, so that you can only see one colour on the outside. Squish it really tight together.
Now you should have a pretty little ball shaped jewel. Anyone else might think it was real gold! (OK, maybe not, but I think you could just about pretend it wasn't a foil wrapper.) Do the same to all of your pieces of foil and you should end up with a pretty little collection like below.

Now you need to get your needle and thread and start threading your 'jewels' on. You might want to use a double thickness of thread to keep them in place a bit more securely.
Taa daa. Now you can decorate whatever you like with your pretty, miniature garland. I decided to spruce up my stationary jar.
Hey, you could even make a bracelet out of them!
I'm definitely going to start hoarding more sweet wrappers after this! I may even have to start eating more chocolates!

Another thing I love to make out of sweet wrappers is origami cranes, I think they are the prettiest!
I love to make something out of nothing, especially when it would have gone in the bin otherwise! Do you make anything out of otherwise useless items?

Laura xXx
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Monday, 18 February 2013

Outfit Post - Posing in Patterns

aztec jumper
polkadot nails
high top converses
button earrings
Aztec Jumper- Camden market, Label reads 'happy'
Leggins - Topshop
Button Earrings - Gift from a friend

Here's a sneaky peak at the outfit I wore for the Blogger meetup on Saturday. If I had been sensible I would have worn wellies like Rachel. Instead I wore my new Converses that Chris bought me for Christmas. They are very comfy and they look pretty awsome, but I did get them rather soggy by treading in lots of puddles whilst trying to navigate my way to the place we were meeting at.

I bought the jumper in this post from The Stables Market in Camden.  If you haven't been you should definitely go, it is awesome. Lots of vintage shopping as well as some really lovely quirky handmade stuff! Plus there are loads of massive brass horses everywhere!

People seem to be liking my button earrings which my friend Jess bought me for my 25th Birthday. I think she said she bought them from Camden market too, but I can't quite remember. Perhaps she can remind me if she is reading this! I don't usually wear earrings a lot as I often forget to put them in, but of course this was a special occasion so I made an effort to remember!

I think I am getting quite good at looking wistfully off into the distance, it is a talent I have acquired with much practice! I don't quite know what is going on with my eyebrow in the third picture down though, I didn't even know I could do that!

Laura xXx

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Friday, 15 February 2013

Pine cone prettiness

painted pine cones
Todays post is a little strange, I admit. But I am going to go ahead anyway.

In December I painted some pine cones for decoration, you may remember the post they featured in here.  Since Christmas ended I haven't known what to do with them, until I accidentally popped one into one of my tea cups, which I have on display in a glass cabinet. I decided it looked pretty, so I filled them all!
tea cup
tea cup
tea cups
It's slightly bonkers but I like the way they look, so that is where they shall live for now!

Do you have any strange things decorating your house? Or is it just me?

Laura xXx

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

South Blogger Meetup

Saturday was a rather exciting day for me, as it was the day of our blogger meet up! Four of us gathered from around the south, and we went for a lovely lunch at the White Star in Southampton.
Pictured above, from left to right is me, Rachel from Ohnorachio, Rosie Simons and Harriet Gray. We had a jolly old time and it felt like we had known eachother for yonks. It was so nice to meet new people (I don't get out much!) especially people that I have lots in common with!

It was also quite inspiring to be around these ladies, as they all have their own etsy shops. I have always wanted to sell something on etsy but have never been able to settle on what, but after our meet up I think I will try to decide soon!
As it was a blogger meet up I felt that we had to have some sort of DIY tutorial pictured. So if you are unsure how to make a cup of tea, please see my Tea making tutorial below!
I am super duper excited for the Cambridge blogger meet up now! I am also plotting another Southampton one on a slightly larger scale so I cant wait to make plans for that either!
I demanded that we have a silly face photo, sorry guys! 

It really was a fab day and I am so glad we did it! Yay for new friends!

Laura xXx

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Monday, 11 February 2013

Healthy Banana Pancakes

Over the last few days Chris and I have been hearing a lot about banana pancakes. That is, pancakes with banana actually in the batter rather than banana with the pancakes.  So we decided to try our own version! The great thing about these pancakes is, they have no flour in them! So Chris can eat them too (he is wheat intolerant) and it is healthier all around! The even better thing about these pancakes is, they taste great!


  • 3 small bananas
  • 4 eggs
  • Ground Flaxseed (optional)
  • Maple Syrup
These couldn't be easier to make. Just mash up your bananas, then in a separate bowl whisk your eggs. Mix them both together and then add any other ingredients you fancy. We decided to put some ground flaxseed in but you might like to try cinnamon, raisins or perhaps some other fruit.

When you are making the batter it feels like you are just making scrambled eggs with banana's in. But once it is cooking they look just like normal pancakes. They really are yummy and I think we will be making these pretty often now!

Laura xXx

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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Outfit Post - Prancing in Paisley

paisley outfit
owl necklacecolourful nail arthair style side pony tail
outfit post
urban outfitters skirt
Paisley Skirt - Urban Outfitters
Top - Topshop
Shoes - Brantano
Aztec Print ButtonRing - Claireabellemakes
Owl Necklace - A present from a friend

Here we go, I'm going to try another outfit post. This time though, I have enlisted the help of my trusty boyfriend Chris!

Do you ever feel that one new item of clothing can breathe life into your whole wardrobe? Well thats how I feel about this skirt!  It was a Christmas present from Chris' parents and I absolutely love it! It has forced me to dig deep into my wardrobe and drag out some tops that I haven't worn for years! I bought this top a really long time ago in the Topshop sale, but it matches the colour of the skirt perfectly!

I don't wear skirts very often but this one is so comfortable I want to wear it all the time! Also it is very good for twirling in. Evidence below...

I'm also getting more into my jewelry lately, as people keep giving me wonderful gifts! The lovely button ring was sent to me from Claire from Claireabellemakes as a thank you for guest posting on her blog while she was away. What a sweet heart! She even chose me the Aztec fabric especially, as she knows how fond I am of an Aztec print!

The owl necklace was given to me for my birthday by one of my best friends, and I think it is ever so sweet. I've also recently been given another owl necklace which is just as lovely but totally different from another friend. So i am sure that will be making an appearance soon too.

I tried something a bit different with my hair too. I just put it in a side pony, then I took a section of hair and wound it around the hair tie, then tucked it in round the back. It was easy to do and kept it all out of my face for the day, so I will definitely be trying that again!

Laura xXx
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Monday, 4 February 2013

Look! It's me!


You may remember a little while ago I won a fantastic competition at The Cookie button. I have been eagerly awaiting my final part of the prize, and today it arrived!  This, my friends, is a portrait of me created by the very talented Chantal of Pony Chops! What do you think?

I absolutely love it! Isn't the Pip background just the best?! If you want your very own portrait custom made you can contact Chantal at

I can't forget all of the other wonderful things I won including prints from the lovely Beth from Deer Little Fawn, a necklace from Ji Ji Kiki and some handmade goodies from Lu Loves Handmade. As well as a kitsch little business card holder and ring made by Sammy from The Cookie Button herself.

I'm so glad I won, what a wonderful bunch of goodies!

Laura xXx

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