Saturday, 29 November 2014

Pop-Tatts Competition! Win Temporary Tattoos for Parties and Hen Parties!

pop-tatts temporary tattoos for hen parties
Hey Chaps! Guess what?! I've finally opened my Etsy shop! I am super excited to introduce 'Pop Tatts' temporary tattoos to the world!

Inspired by their success at my Sister-in-law's hen-party (which you can read all about here), I decided to release my 'Hunky Men For Funky Hens' temporary tattoo's  to the masses!  Who doesn't love a bit of Ryan and Co!?  I'm also taking commissions for brides, which will be up in the shop soon! Plus I've got loads more ideas in the pipeline!

To celebrate, I've decided to hold a giveaway!  If you enter below you are in for a chance of winning the following;

-1 pack of 10 'Hunky Men For Funky Hen's Temporary Tattoos'. Each is separately packaged so they are perfect for putting in goodie bags at a party/hen party, or for filling a piñata (like I did)!
temporary tattoos of favourite actors including Ryan Gosling
- 1 pack of customised 'Groom's Face Tattoos'.  These are perfect for giving as a gift to a bride-to-be at her hen party. If you don't know anyone thats getting married I'm happy to design you a pack based on a favourite actor or singer, we can get creative! 
customised temporary tattoos for hen party

So, if you'd like to enter, please use the Rafflecopter widget below;

Good Luck!

Laura xXx


  1. Thanks for sharing temporary tattoo design. Nice designing. For more information visit here Temporary Tattoos Melbourne


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