Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Cult Cross Stitch Patterns - WeeLittleStitches

I have just discovered something AMAZING this morning which I am very excited about and I thought I best share with you all ASAP! It is a lovely little Etsy shop called WeeLittleStitches The perfect combination of Geekery and Craftery, this shop offers it's customers cross stitch patterns in the form of pixel people. Not just any people mind, characters from our favourite cult classics! Below are just a few of the designs available. I'm sure I don't need to tell you who they are!
Labyrinth Cross Stitch
Lord of The Rings Cross Stitch
Star Wars Cross Stitch

X-men Cross Stitch
Goonies Cross Stitch
I'm definitely going to be purchasing at least one of these very soon! And a big thank you to LilyLovesLola who I spotted stitching my favourite movie of all time on instagram - The Goonies! Otherwise I would never have stumbled upon such a fantastic shop. I hope you have enjoyed this post. I'd love to know of any cross stitch patterns you are using, I feel cross stitch may be my next crafty thing! 

Laura xXx


  1. ah I stumbled across these ages ago but hadn't been able to find them again so THANK YOU (: haha. I love the star wars one, it's just so cool/geeky/cute/crafty all at the same time. My cross stitch just needs to get up to scratch now! xx

  2. Oh my god... LABYRINTH?! NEED!

    1. I've bought the Goonies one but I think that is definitely the next one I need to buy!

  3. I love wee little stitches- have done several Batmans for various presents- and made up a few of my own too; http://hooklineandsinkher2.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/rather-belated-christmas-time-post.html
    They are so quick and easy to do- perfect in-front-of-the-TV craft :) xx

    1. Ah yes, i remember reading that post now and thinking that Batman was super awesome!

  4. I've been addicted to these lately. Also check out the blog. They have some great advice on making t shirts, handbags, etc with cross stitch and painting your aida fabric. Wow. These are my Christmas gifts for the whole family, so I'm working hard.

    1. Thanks, you are right, the blog is great. Now I have the urge to cross stitch all my clothes! :)

  5. oh my gosh, these are amazing!!! & the goonies is my ultimate favourite too :) i think these are gonna be a great way to convince j to let me have cross stitch work on the wall ha x

    1. Haha, yep, they are about the most boy friendly cross stitch you are going to get!

  6. Love these, I actually picked up some myself after reading the LilyLovesLola post too! I just need to find some time to do it, not to mention time to go out and find the right colour thread. Just to let you know that I've nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award, check out my post to find out more: http://intoruth.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/the-versatile-blogger-award.html :)

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate you thinking of me :)

  7. Laura

    I really like the weelittlestitches pattern too. They are great fun.

    If you are looking for inspiration I would recommend the Floss Box, Purple Thread Designs, Bombastitch and Defiant Damsel. I recently finished an awesome Cake or Death pattern from Damsel. It is my favourite so far this year.

    Happy cross stitching!


  8. A great post! I love Wee Little Stitches so much. They are definitely one of the brave pioneering teams for geeky cross stitch, I just hope we can do the genre proud with our own designs. We bought their Spider-man pattern and loved it! Would recommend them to anyone! Thanks again!


  9. Wee Little Stitches are OK but there are other shops that sell great cross stitch patterns, like PixelPower, for example. I think that PixelPower even better than WLS:

    - they have way more patterns (in fact, they have A LOT of patterns) and add a new pattern almost every day;
    - their patterns cost less money and they have amazing sales, like 3 patterns for 10$ or 5 patterns for 15$;
    - they have a Facebook group where they post a free pattern every week and giveaway some of their commercial patterns for free;
    - they make custom patterns in a day or two and if you can't find your favourite movie, tv show or music band in their shop you need just ask them to make it for you, everything will be ready in a couple of days, try to do the same with WLS, you'll be waiting for ages;
    - they are just super:-)

    Give them some love and visit their shop: www.pixelpowerdesign.etsy.com. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pixelpowerdesign

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