I watched a brilliant documentary the other day called 'Vanishing of the Bees'. I really found it fascinating and as a result have a found a new appriciation for Mr Bee.
For those of you that don't know, bees are responsible for pollinating a huge portion of the food we eat. Without the humble bumble foods that we take for granted simply wouldn't exist. And Bees are dissapearing at an alarming rate! Even experts aren't 100% sure what is causing this but it seems that a the insecticides we use are partly responsible - bees who are collecting from plants which have been sprayed with this insecticide (Goucho I think it was called) are becoming disoriented, and when they take this back to their hive it is effecting it several generations down the line. It seems that they probably leave the hive and just can't find their way back home. Oh no! :(
All the more reason to buy organic food! The conclusion was that to help the situation we should have as many bee friendly plants in our gardens, and anyone that can should get a bee hive of their own. And don't forget to buy lots of yummy honey!
I highly reccomend watching this, if nothing else it will surely increase your appriciation of the bee. You can watch it on netflix.
To show my appriciation I have found some un-bee-lievable bee related items. They are literally the bees knees. Absolutely amaze-wing... ok, I ran out. Here they are.

First on my list is this gorgeous bee locket necklace from ModCloth. Must...resist...the...temptation.
I've always liked the prints you can get on etsy that are made on dictionary paper and this one is no exception. Kind of reminds me of a natural history museum. Find it at this shop at Etsy
Talking of natural history. Isn't this ring from an etsy seller the best? There's also a swallow and a frog that are pretty awesome too, but back to the bees!
I can't ignore the fabulous products that 'Burts Bees' do. I've got a lipbalm and I love it! I'll be purchasing more soon I'm sure.
This honeycomb swimsuit from Modcloth is adorable! As long as you don't mind people swatting you occasionally.
So there we have it, some bee-autiful products (ok, I promise to stop now). I've been busy taking lots of photo's of the bee's in my garden so you will probably be introduced to them in the near future.... To bee continued ... (sorry, I lied).
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