Hey chaps! Today I want to try something a bit fun. I'm currently on the hunt for pretty things to hang on the wall in my study, so I thought I'd give making my own little pennant a go.
There were so many quotes I could have used, I thought about all the usual motivational ones, but in the end I went with something that had tickled me recently and would make me smile every time I looked at it. A couple of days before we and been to see the film Chappie, which is about a robot which develops a consciousness, but essentially he has to grow from a child. Unfortunately he is being brought up by a bunch of pretty gangsta' criminals, so he learns a lot of funny stuff. At one point they give him some chains, and he gets very excited that he's 'got blings!' It was a very cute and funny moment, and its definitely a film worth seeing, Chris and I have both said it has been our favourite film so far this year by far.
Anyway, back to the DIY. It's a pretty simple one, all you will need is the following;
- Your choice of coloured card
- A paper straw
- Sticky letters. (I got mine here)
- String
- Pencil
- Craft knife and ruler

First up we need to cut the card into the right shape. The one I made measured 18cm by 25cm, then to cut the triangle in I drew a line on the back 8cm up form the bottom, and then marked the halfway point (9.5cm) and drew lines to join it up to the bottom two points, then I cut it out with my craft knife and ruler.
Next, you want to very carefully cut as straight a line as possible through one side of your straw using the craft knife. Then measure your piece of sting to about 75 cm, and thread it through the straw. This is how you will hang your pennant.
Then you can simply slide your card inside the slit you have made in the straw. It should hold it easily, but if it feels loose you may want to stick it down at the edges with some glue. Lastly you just need to arrange your sticky letters into your chosen quote and you're done!
Now it is hanging happily in pride of place on my pin board alongside lots of other film and TV related goodies!
Laura xXx
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