This year I decided for my Birthday I was going to throw a party, and after I saw this advert, I knew exactly what the theme would be!...
I thought it would be fantastic to raise money whilst also having a jolly good time, and on sunday the day had finally arrived!
I printed off lots of vintage skiing travel posters, as well as the bunting Macmillan had provided. I also created the 'Frosty Ski Slope' cocktail which was basically an amalgamation of what we had left in the cupboard ;) But actually tasted rather nice!

To raise some extra cash I decided we should have a raffle and sell tickets to all of the guests. As well as some of my friends and family making donations, I also had some amazing support from some wonderful makers and companies!
We had some lovely Christmas cards donated by claireabellemakes, Jenny Jackson and OhhDeer who also donated 2 cute notebooks.
Claire makes these cute scrabble themed Christmas cards which you can buy in her etsy shop.
You can buy these cards from OhhDeer.com.
These super sweet 'Pigs in blankets' cards can be bought here.
This awesome hat was donated by The Purly Queen. Isn't it wonderful? And perfect for the Apres Ski theme! You should stop by Cheryl's etsy shop and check out her other lovely hand knitted products!
I decided to group the prizes to make as much money as possible on each ticket, so we had 3 winners and I let them pick a prize from every shelf, meaning that they won 5 prizes each! And here are our winners...
Macmillan also created a downloadable printout to guess how many marshmallows in the hot chocolate, but I changed it to 'snowballs in the jar'. Each person paid 2 pounds to take a guess.
As per usual with our parties, I had to customise the chalkboard in our hallway for the occasion!
We also had a nice backdrop for photos which my Aunt and Cousin originally painted for our wedding, but it came in very handy for this party too!
We played 'the peg game' where we secretly attached 4 pegs to 4 peoples clothing, then announced that if you found a peg on yourself you had to peg it to someone else without them noticing. The people with pegs on them at 10:30 had to drink a 'dirty drink'. I had a brilliant idea to avoid loosing which was to lock myself in the toilet a few minutes before the end. It worked fantastically, except I had made a mistake earlier, which was to peg a 'non drinker'. I had said that anyone not drinking could nominate someone else, and of course I got nominated! Duh! Anyway, here I am with my fellow peg-ees drinking a rather disgusting drink.
In the end we raised a whopping £350.60! Which I was really pleased with, and I think everyone had a great time too, which was a bonus!
Have you done any fund raising this year? Would you hold an Apres Ski party for charity?
Laura xXx
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