Friday 11 October 2013

DIY Honeycomb Shrinky Dink Earrings

DIY honeycomb earrings using shrinky dink plastic
The other day I showed you my DIY gemstone jewellery tutorial using shrinky dink plastic. Well I also made some honeycomb earrings, but I didn't feel they fitted with that post, so here is a little bonus.

I am really pleased with these because they are a little bit different and they are inspired by my admiration of honey bees! If you don't remember why I like bees you may want to take a look at a couple of my very early posts here and here
honeycomb pattern
Anyway, the method to make these is really easy. I found a honeycomb pattern online and printed it out onto the shrinky dink plastic. I debated about what shapes to cut out, but in the end I went for the traditional hexagon.  I put them together in the same way I did the earrings in this postDIY honeycomb shrinky dinky plastic earrings
What do you think? Do you like them?  Shrinky dink plastic is so versatile, I love the stuff!

Laura xXx


  1. I like it!! The shape and the irregular color scheme :)

  2. omg! this is a very creative and great idea!

  3. omg! this is a very creative and great idea!

  4. Can you Show me the page where you found these honeycomb pattern please? Thanks :)

  5. Those are the best use of shrink plastic I've seen, gorgeous!

  6. It is so easy to create honeycomb earrings out of Shrinky Dink plastic. Learn how in my DIY tutorial!

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