Thursday, 23 August 2012

Join me in a super duper Health Kick

With my holiday at an end I feel that I need to make sure I keep myself motivated. Often I wake up groggily and come home from work lathargic.  I think what is needed is a good old health kick to keep my body working at its full capacity! The idea is not to loose weight but just to make sure I am doing everything possible to keep my body healthy.
Happy Fruit and Veg
"Sorry guys, I am going to have to eat you."

I am planning to tackle this in 5 different ways, and I hope you will join me! (more on that later)

1. Excercise - I am a bit of a wimp and feel I would be happier if I could sustain some sort of excercise regime. I plan to try out different excercise plans until I find one that suits.  

2. Healthy Eating - I hope to introduce more fruit and vegetables into my diet, as well as having a high percentage of 'raw meals' or at least raw vegetables in my meals.  Again, I am not looking at a diet that will help loose weight necessarily, but one that will make sure I am getting as much nutrition as I possibly can. After all, I like to have a cuppa and a cake now and then, and banning that would just be depressing. I'll just make sure I have a carrot or  something to make up for it afterwards! 

3. Eliminating Toxins - I absolutely hate the idea of all the toxic/carconogenic products we use, air fresheners, cleaning products, and even deodorants!  I am going to look into natural replacements for as many of these as possible.

4. Healthy Hair/Skin/Nails - There are many products that claim to give you all of this, but are they really as good as they say on the tin?  Again, I will be checking out what ingridients actually make up these products, and decide if the outcome is worth the potential risk, or if there is a safter alternative available.

5. Sleep - This one is fairly self explanitory, making sure I get enough sleep! But how much exactly is enough? I usually try to get 8 hours (and often fail) but perhaps it is healthier for me to sleep less/more. I'm going to look into ways of figuring this out.

There's a lot to think about! So I'm going to take it slow and concentrate on one thing at a time!

Laura xXx


  1. This all sounds very positive! I tend to up the health kick around this time of year to help get ready to cope better with the dark morning and cold germs of winter, and always feel so much better that I have no idea why I can't keep it up all the time! Good luck :) x

  2. thanks so much for sharing~ <3
    pls also join my blog
    thanks so much

    1. Hi, I just visited your blog, I love your zentangles :)


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