
Wednesday 15 October 2014

How to Survive Wedding Fever - The Book

Hi team, today I am in need of your help.

If you have followed my blog recently, you might just have noticed that in May I got married!  If not you can take a peek at the parts of the day I have already blogged about here.

I learnt SO much from planning my wedding, but at times it all felt completely overwhelming!   There were sleepless nights, sometimes I was so nervous I felt sick, and occasionally I'd break out into a cold sweat. Thats right, I had contracted wedding fever!

The stereotype is that all women LOVE to talk about weddings, especially their own. And to begin with I will admit it is certainly exciting. But what happens when the novelty of the idea wears off, and you are faced with tackling this mountain of a task? There is a huge amount of pressure these days for everything to be perfect, and I know that many women can end up feeling resentful and stressed out, and thats just not what planning a wedding should be about! IT SHOULD BE FUN!

When I looked back at all the things I had learnt on my journey, I realised that I didn't want it all to go to waste.  I wanted to impart my new found knowledge on other brides to be, and make their journey as easy and enjoyable as possible. So I decided I would write a book!

The working title at the moment is 'How to Survive Wedding Fever'. Here's a mock up of my front cover, it's still a work in progress but I'm getting there!
how to survive wedding fever book
There is more information out there about weddings than I could shake a stick at, but what I found that I really needed was logical, chronological and detailed advice, and that seemed hard to come by.  This book is based on my experience of wedding planning, as well as what I have learnt working in the industry. The aim is to guide the reader through each stage in bite size chunks, meaning that each day they can pick the book up and complete another piece of 'homework' in a short amount of time. I'll help make sure you pick quality suppliers, but will also let you in on some secrets to save money.  The idea is to make sure you don't become overwhelmed on your journey to wedded bliss

I've tried to encompass everything a bride will need to know in the book, but of course every bride, and every wedding is different. So here's where you come in. I'm looking for wedding tips from brides to be, previous brides, or suppliers. If thats sounds like you then I'd love your help.  All you need to do is comment on this post, send me an email at or send a message on twitter to @laura_boutique. 

Let me know any tips that you know from experience and found particularly useful. It could literally be anything. I will have a chapter dedicated to these tips,  and if I choose to include yours I will of course credit you in the book, and I will also include you in a thank you blog post with links to any websites you may have.

Also, if you have any feedback on the title and cover, that would be greatly appreciated. Like I say, it is  still a work in progress, but it'd be good to get an idea if i'm going in the right sort of direction.

Laura xXx

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, nice post!

    Phục vụ cho nhu cầu vận chuyển container bằng đường bộ ngày càng lớn, vận chuyển xăng dầu bằng đường sắt và vận tải, gửi hàng hóa vận chuyển xe máy bắc nam bằng đường sắt cũng đã xây dựng nên những qui trình, dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng hóa bằng các toa xe chuyên dùng chuyên nghiệp và có hệ thống. Đảm bảo mang đến chất lượng tốt nhất cho khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ.
