
Monday 13 October 2014

A Welsh Adventure in Pip

pretty tenbyLast week we took a spur of the moment trip to Wales in Pip.  We met up with my parents who were
holidaying there for the week, and camped at a lovely site. We were the only ones there!

Unfortunately, as seems to be usual for our camping trips now, it rained. In fact, not only did it rain, but there was also a ton of thunder and lightning, especially at night!
Anyway, we managed to make the most of it. On our first full day we went to Tenby, which is a really pretty seaside town.  Nearly all of the houses and buildings are painted in pastel colours. We managed to catch a break in the rain and took a stroll on the beach, finding some caves which Chris decided to explore. The rain then caught up with us, so we ran for cover in a nearby eatery, and despite the weather I decided to have my favourite, a mint choc chip ice cream!
pastel tenby
mint door
tenby harbour
During our break we picked up some leaflets for nearby attractions, trying to decide what could be done in the rain.  We came across a climbing wall which didn't look that far away, so we planed to hunt it down.  The hunt didn't take very long though, as when we walked out of the cafe we noticed it was straight opposite!  We spent about an hour climbing the wall, which is a lot harder than it looks! I definitely need to work on my upper body strength!
rock climbing
In the evening we went to an old fashioned, traditional pub. As we got there we realised that the the nearby river was rising dangerously close to the front door, and about 5 minutes after we entered we found that we were stranded! Unless we wanted to get wet feet! It was very funny watching all of the locals come in with their trousers rolled up. About an hour or so later the tide went back in, and we were able to get back to our car, but it was a bit of an adventure!
carmarthern castle
The next day (after a very noisy thunderous night!) we ventured into Carmarthen for some Castle hunting and shopping.  There is a really nice little street of shops with products from local artists, but the rest of it was a bit of a bust.  Carmarthen Castle is pretty much on the high street, and there's not much to it, but its free to get in so I can't really complain!
Next we went to Narberth, and found a lovely little Tapas restaurant for lunch, it was delicious!  Narberth high street is pretty in pastels too, it must be a Welsh thing!
narberth high street
There were some nice shops here, one in particular called The Golden Sheaf Gallery where I managed to get a head start on my Christmas present shopping!
We visited Narberth Castle, but there weren't many photo opportunities there as there were fences preventing you going near it.  Our last stop was at Llawhaden Castle, which was by far the prettiest one we had seen.
Llawhaden castleLlawhaden castleLlawhaden castle
That concludes another of our adventures in Pip. It's getting chilly out now so that might be the last one for a while. Have you visited anywhere good in Wales that we should have checked out?

Laura xXx


  1. The coloured houses are so beautiful. There's a climbing wall at my gym and it's so much fun!

    Water Painted Dreams xo

    1. They're just building a climbing wall near our house, so we are looking forward to that! You're lucky to have one at your gym, that must be great!

  2. All those beautiful coloured houses, I would so love to live by the sea!

  3. Stunning photos- your photography skills are excellent! Those multi-coloured houses are beautiful, and it sounds like you had quite the adventure in the pub. Although, if I had to be stranded anywhere, a pub would probably be top of that list :p xxx
