
Wednesday 1 January 2014

December Review

In Life

Well, where did December go?! Not much to report except for the usual fun and festivities. We had a great Christmas spent with the family at Chris's parents house, but how come Christmas day goes so fast!? Now that it is January it is time to seriously start planning this wedding! Gah, I am running out of time!

What We Watched

This Is 40
Anchor Man
Wreck it Ralph
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug
Pitch Perfect

So we watched a lot of movies because its Christmas and thats what you are meant to do right?! My favourite out of all of these was actually Iron Man 3, and I am now getting quite into the whole Avengers franchise. I need to watch the Capatin America film now!

What I Read

Twilight - Eclipse 
Twilight - Breaking Dawn - Phew, I finally finished Twilight! I have to say, by then end of it I found it had grown on me, and I think these two books were my favourite. I'm interested to see how the films have interpreted them!

My Favourite Posts

Laura xXx

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