
Friday 20 December 2013

It's Christmas Time...

Oh my goodness, is it that time of year already? Only 5 days until Christmas! Well at least I have finally finished all of my Christmas shopping, phew! How are you doing with yours?

We are getting pretty into the festive spirit here. Last weekend my parents hired out their village hall to have a lovely Christmassy day with (nearly) all of the family, 21 in total. My mum designed and built the wonderful gingerbread house above, although we were told we were not allowed to eat it, as it was to be displayed again at a later date! Unfortunately the house had other plans, and because of the humidity in the hall where we were also cooking dinner, it had a rather slow and painful death.
For my birthday on Friday Chris bought me some Nerf Guns. God knows why! Fortunately he also organised a surprise trip to Champneys Spa, so he was just about forgiven. Anyway, my Dad had the idea to put these to good use at the party by making a shooting range game.  He painted some cut up wrapping paper rolls white, and we got everyone to draw their own little snowman character on them. Then we arranged them in a triangular formation, like skittles, and took it in turn to see how many snowmen we could nock down with 6 bullets.

Everyone had a go, including the grandparents, and everybody hit at least 2 down, which was pretty impressive! But I'm not going to lie, the snowmen didn't turn out quite as attractive as I had hoped...
I particularly like the picture below, as my Dad looks incredibly silly, and so does Chris even though he is a bit blurry. Isn't that what Christmas is all about?!
Here is a picture of me with my Aunts dog Tilly. I'm not overly keen on dogs, but if I was ever going to have a dog I think I would choose one like Tilly, she is the sweetest, and she wears silly hats with me! But she does not like crackers very much!
So I think I am going to be pretty busy in the run up until Christmas, as I am sure you all are, so I don't expect I will have time to post again until afterwards.

I hope you all have a fabulously festive time and get exactly what you are hoping for from Santa! Don't forget to make the most of the mince pies and mulled wine!

Laura xXx


  1. That poor gingerbread house! I hope you all worked swiftly to put it out of its misery :-) nerf guns?!? Thank goodness for the spa trip!! Haha xxx p.s. have seen the robot DECA in paper chase and intend to pounce the minute the boxing day sales start :-)

    1. That is such a good idea, i didn't think of that!

  2. Oh no, the gingerbread house.I hope you have a very merry Christmas :)

  3. The gingerbread house looks amazing, your mum did a great job. And I like the toilet roll game.
    Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas, Laura :)

  4. Tilly looks gorgeous I don't like dogs much either but I always smile at a westie if I see one! You look like you had great fun. Rebecca :)
