
Tuesday 3 December 2013

November Review

In Life

This has been the first month spent in our new house and it has been lovely! Mostly we have just been settling in, and spending most of our time in the house. We have particularly been enjoying playing Resident Evil 6 on Chris's XBox 360, something I thought I would never say!

What We Watched

When Harry Met Sally- Believe it or not I had never seen this classic before. Definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it before!
Doghouse - This was awful. I should have realised when I saw it had Danny Dyer in it really. I would describe it as a terrible Shaun of The Dead for 'lads' who may or may not have watched The Evil Dead. Netflix needs to get some more decent films, we seem to be scraping the barrell somewhat!
Enders Game- This film was entertaining enough, I found it to be rather an anti-climax though. Did anyone else who has seen it feel the same way?
Captain Phillips- Tom Hanks is a bit of a legend really isn't he? Are there any films he isn't good in? I was on the edge of my seat for this whole film!
The Hunger Games - We re-watched this before we went to see the new one. As good as I remembered it!
Catching Fire - I have been so looking forward to this coming out! I have to say, I wasn't overly impressed with the first half of the film. I think that perhaps because so much happens in the book it was never going to quite be able to re-create it, and they had to take a few short cuts to get there. But the second half totally made up for it! It was exactly as I imagined it, I was particularly impressed with the casting for Finnick, I thought he was spot on!

In terms of TV I have been really enjoying Masterchef The Professionals, and I have also allowed myself to get into I'm A celebrity this year, I think it is worth watching for Ant and Dec alone!

We've also been watching Southpark and have been loving the Black Friday/Game of Thrones themed ones on at the moment. Looking forward to the last instalment!

What I Read

Mocking Jay (The Hunger Games) - Obviously I loved this! I think it is such a well written and clever trilogy. I was really sad when I finished it!
Twilight - New Moon- I haven't been quite so enthralled by Twilight so far. It strikes me that the characters are all really rather annoying. But I do want to know what happens next, so I am persevering and reading Eclipse at the moment.

In Blog Land

This month I have had two blogger/creatives meet ups. First of all I went to a Winchester meet up with Harriet and met the lovely bloggers from Rusty Rambles, Housewife Confidential This Is Your Kingdom and Chocolate Cookies and Candies. We had a fab time ate yummy food, drank yummy drinks and had a good old natter!

Saturday was the long awaited Creatives Christmas party! There will be a large post about this coming up soon, we had a wonderful day!

My Favourite Posts

Laura xXx

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