
Thursday 5 December 2013

Cinnamon and Nutmeg Toasted Butternut Squash Seeds

toasted butternut squash seeds
I am not a fan of waste.  I like to make sure I use as much as possible when cooking, and I get very sad when I find that something has gone past its best before I had a chance to use it.

It wasn't until fairly recently that I discoverd that you could cook up and eat the seeds of a butternut squash. The other day I was cooking a butternut squash and caramelised onion soup, and I decided I would give it a go.

First I washed the seeds thoroughly to get rid of the slimy bits. Then I coated them in olive oil.  Next I sprinkled them (quite heavily) with cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and a little bit of caster sugar. Then I popped them in the oven for about 10 minutes until they seemed crispy. They were actually quite yummy and full of that autumn flavour!

cinnamon and nutmeg coated seeds
I sprinkled some of them on top of my soup, but they are delicious as a snack on their own

Below is a picture of my soup, it is definitely not Maser Chef worthy to look at, but it tasted fantastic! If you are interested, here is how I made it;

1 Butternut squash, cubed
1 large red onion, sliced
1 litre of Vegetable stock
Knob of butter
1 tsp of Sugar
Olive Oil
Sour Cream

Chop up the butternut squash into cubes, coat with olive oil and pop in the oven until they are nicely browned.  Meanwhile, fry the onions in the butter over a low heat and keep stirring and add the sugar.  I cooked mine for a really long time so that they were nice and caramelised.

When that is all cooked combine in a saucepan with the stock, and whizz until smooth with a  hand blender. Pop in your frozen peas and cook for a few more minutes.  Serve with a dollop of soured cream and some frazzled streaky bacon.
Butternut squash and caramelised onion soup

Laura xXx


  1. I've never seen butternut squash before?

    Love your blog! Just followed, follow back?

  2. butternut squash isn't something I normally eat at home, but i'll have it at a restaurant, this looks like a yummy recipe though!

  3. Mmm this looks delicious!

  4. Ooooh we have two butternut squashes (is that the plural, squashes? lol) Anyway, we have two and I was wondering what to do with them! Will definitely have a go at toasting the seeds :)
