
Wednesday 2 January 2013

Goals for 2013

I like writing myself lists of things to do, but I often forget about them. So i have decided to write them on the blog so that if I fail at any of them it will be glaringly obvious, hopefully it will motivate me to get them all done!

Here we go...

Buy a house - Why not start with a biggie!?  To get this done my aim is to set aside at least an hour a week solely to look for houses. Have spoken to an estate agents by February, and plan to go and look at a house at least once a month.

Finish Pip - Poor Pip has been a bit neglected since all the wedding planning started. I'd like to have him finished by the summer so we can go away for another lovely holiday.

Plan a holiday abroad - Pip is fantastic, but I think we might need a holiday to a warmer climate this year too.

Get good at cooking again - I have really been slacking on the cooking front recently and would love to get stuck in again. I want to make 1 new meal every week. Chris gave me Jamies 15 minute meals for christmas, so that is a good starting point! This week we are doing a special Chicken salad.

Read more books - My plan is to buy a kindle with my Christmas money, so that should help with this one. I want to aim to read at least 1 book a fortnight. Please feel free to suggest books for me to read to help kick things off!

Plan the wedding - It feels like the wedding is so far in the future that it is quite easy to forget about it, but I want to be well on top of everything, so i'm going to set aside at least an hour a week for wedding planning with Chris. I'd also like to do 1 post a week on my wedding blog.

Have a wardrobe i feel comfortable in - This makes it sound like I want to hang out in a wardrobe ... I don't. What I mean is  I seriously need to get some new clothes and I think I need to spend some time choosing things that look good, are comfortable, and will wear well. It seems so tricky to get all three!

What are your goals for this year?

Laura xXx


  1. Good luck with your resolutions this year!

    I got a kindle paperwhite for Christmas and I absolutely love it. I've managed to read 3 books in the week that I've had it. If you're looking for stuff to read, check and see if your local library will let you check out ebooks and amazon has lots of free books to download. This year I'm going to focus on classics that I didn't read as kid. First on the list, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    1. Thanks for the tip. Treasure Island sounds like a good place to start! :)

  2. Exciting! I like making resolutions - or plans and goals, rather - but like you have to stick them somewhere obvious, not hide them away in one of my many notebooks. Can't wait to see Mr. Pip finished! x

    1. Indeed, I've got a nice big calendar I'm going to try and utilize this year. Needless to say it is a VW campervan one! hehe

  3. What an excellent list- I love January because the new year seems so full of possibilities! I'm not sure what types of book you're into but recently enjoyed both of these on my Kindle:

    Hunted is a real-time fast-paced thriller set in modern day London. With This Kiss is a trashy, who-done-it with plenty of romance (and a bit of sex) set in Victorian London.

    Good luck with your goals for 2013! x

    1. Brilliant, well I like a bit of variety so I will definitely check them out! thanks :)

  4. hi, i love your blog! It has even inspired me to start up my own one - that is one of my new years resolutions! i wonder if you'd maybe have a look at it? link is

    Good luck with your resolutions!

    1. Hi Sophie, blogging is great fun, definitely a good New Years resolution to have! Your blog looks like it is coming along great! I'm so pleased my blog was part of what inspired you to start :)

  5. these are some great resolutions. all the best in fulfilling them in 2013 :)

    most of my resolutions are focused on food and baking coz that's what i love to do. i even made a bucket list of recipes and treats i want to make this year...heheh

    -abeer @

    1. Thanks :) Good luck with all the baking! You know where I am if you need someone to help you eat it all :)

  6. I've put my goals for the year on my blog as well - hopefully that will give me the motivation I need to stick to them!!

    1. It's tricky isn't it!? I think that your resolution about creating a cleaning schedule is also one of my extra resolutions, I hate having to clean everything at once, it takes so long!
