
Tuesday 1 January 2013

December Review

In Life

What a wonderful morning to start the new year on, it is lovely and sunny here! Just a shame I am too tired from last night to really do anything!

I've had quite a relaxing month as I had a 2 week holiday, and to kick it off I had all my lovely bridesmaids over for a party. You can see what happened here.  We did a little more wedding planning over the month and have even decided to start looking for a house!

What We Watched

Seven Psychopaths - This was great, not really what I had expected but I enjoyed it all the same. Brilliant cast too.
Bridesmaids - Very funny, hopefully I won't get into any of these sorts of situations with my bridesmaids!
The Jerk - My parents told us that we would like this, and we did! It was very funny in an absolutely ridiculous way. A Steve Martin Classic.
Predator - This is one of Chris' favourite films, so I thought it was about time I watched it.
Paul - I loved this! I love all things Simon Pegg and Nick frost, but I didn't manage to catch this when it came out at the cinema.
The Hobbit - This was absolutely awesome. I used to be a real LOTR geek, and this definitely made me want to watch them all again! Hence the next two films!
Lord of the rings - Fellowship of the ring - Awesome!
Lord of the rings - Two Towers - Awesome!

What I Read

I have challenged myself to read more next year, so I thought I would get going early. I'm thinking about getting a Kindle with my Christmas money, so hopefully that will make it easier for me to read lots more. If you have any recommendations of good books i'd love to hear them, I'm interested in broadening my horizons!

The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean - This was a pretty girlie book, obviously lots about dresses! But I did enjoy it 
The Gunslinger by Stephen King - I'm still undecided about Stephen King. I love some of his books, The Stand is one of my all time favourites, but there are others that I have found to be quite forgettable. Chris started reading the Dark Tower series, so I thought I would give it a go too. The first book is quite difficult to read but apparently they get easier, so I am going to persevere!

In Blog Land

I was very lucky to be asked by Claire of Claireabellemakes to guest post on her blog while she was away on holiday. You can see the post about DIY Stamps here.

I started a new Wedding Blog so that I can document all of my ideas, I am really looking forward to getting stuck in!

I won a competition over at the cookie button! I was really excited when I received an email from Sammy on Saturday to say that I had won. I was feeling really under the weather with a yucky cold, but this totally brightened my day! Especially since the prizes were all so wonderful, and also included a personalised portrait from Chantal from Pony Chops and some hand drawn prints from Beth at Deer Little Fawn - two of my favourite bloggers plus lots of other goodies from other lovely ladies.

My Favourite Posts

Laura xXx


  1. Laura

    Wishing you all the best for 2013. With relation to reading I have just joined Good Reads as recommended by a friend. A useful resource for finding bookworm inspiration.

    1. Thanks, i'll definitely check that out :)

  2. Lovely blog!! Those home made stamps are just awesome. I will have to check out that post. :)

    PS. Its a lovely day here in Seattle as well. Sunny for once!

    1. Thanks! Our weather has taken a turn for the worst now, it was super foggy this morning. Hopefully the rest of the year will be brighter :)
