
Thursday 8 August 2013

A day in the life ...

seed bom
Today has been rather eventful compared to my usual. It started off as a great post day! I received these awesome Seedboms by Kabloom sent by Eco-Market.  I understand that the point of these is to be a bit of a guerrilla gardner, and deploy the 'bom's' into neglected neighbourhoods, but I wont be able to resist using at least a couple of these in my new garden when we move in!

I've also been getting rather excited about shrinky dinks the last couple of days, so I stopped for a few minutes to admire my first attempts. I'm planning on spray painting the SMILE then making it into a necklace. I'm not sure what I am going to do with the diamonds. I might turn the small ones into earrings if I can get hold of the right equipment!

These are seriously addictive! In the next couple of days I will be sharing a Game of Thrones themed Shrinky Dink tutorial, so keep your eyes peeled if you are a GOT fan! Although you will still be able to join in, by making a few small changes, if you are not as crazy about Game of Thrones as I am! (But if you're not into Game of Thrones, I'm sorry we can't be friends. Only kidding, I will still be your friend as long as you start watching it RIGHT NOW!)
shrinky dink diy
After manically doing some work, my Mum turned up to take me shopping for a wedding dress! I have to say, I'm finding it quite stressful. How do you know when you have found 'The One'? I've found a couple that I really love, and maybe when they are altered to fit me, and have a little tweak here and there, they will be perfect. But I don't feel like I will know until that point. Perhaps I am just hopeless at shopping!

Anyway, between  appointments we wandered into a lovely little tea room, having just opened its doors on Friday.
I had a delicious quiche, yum! And as always, Mum had a slice of cake. Shh, don't tell her I told you!
And that was my day! Oh, and I also spotted one of the drivers I used to work with emptying a bin while we were driving along (it's ok, I worked for Biffa, he was meant to be doing that!) We stopped to say hello and managed to cause a bit of a tail back in the process! Whoops!

I still get excited when I see a Biffa truck and try to wave to the driver, hoping that they will recognise me. Is that really sad?

Don't tell me, I know the answer is yes!
Laura xXx


  1. Sounds like your Mum and I would get on brilliantly. It must be so hard picking a dress- if you find plenty that suit you how are you suppose to know when it's "the one"?! I think picking the man who's "the one" must be 10 times easier! :) xx

    1. I definitely agree with the last bit, laughing a little bit as well!

      Water Painted Dreams

  2. I had no "WOW this is the one" dress moment, I just started to refer to one of them as my dress without realising, it felt like an old friend, comfy, not wow, just right. It was a bit like I'd made the decision before I made it consciously, if that makes sense. Just relax and let it happen, most of the stress is worrying that you won't choose the right one, but there is no wrong dress, you will be happy once you make a choice, and you will suddenly relax and wonder what you were worrying about :) Can't wait to see you GoT tute :)

  3. yum, your food looks wonderful! i have a huge weakness for potato chips!

    lindsey louise

  4. it looks yummy!
    following each other would be great!
