
Wednesday 31 July 2013

July Review

In Life

So we have had a little bit of a set back on the house buying front. It looks like our seller is going to take longer than we thought, so in the mean time we shall be viewing some other houses. It is a bit of a pain, but hey, maybe we weren't meant to buy that house after all, and the perfect one is just waiting around the corner. Fingers crossed.

What We Watched

Jack The Giant Slayer - We saw this on the plane out to Turkey.  It was ok, it made the flight go faster!
Despicable Me 2 - Yay, I love this. The minions are my favourites and Agnes is the cutest!
Jurassic Park 2 - A classic, but I don't think I had ever seen this the whole way through until now.
Letters to Juliet - A bit of a soppy one, but enjoyable.
Zoom - I'd never heard of this but it was actually quite fun! Just a silly superhero movie with Tim Allen.

Plus Dexter is back on, woohoo! We have also been watching Falling Skies and New Girl.

What I Read

A Game of Thrones - This is a super long book so it was all I got round to reading this month. My Kindle told me it would take 27 hours when I started reading it, I'm nearly finished though! Only 2 hours left to go! As you may know, I am quite obsessed with the TV series, so I thought I would start reading the books too. Did you know that although the TV series is called Game of Thrones, it is actually only the first book in the series that is named that (Plus an A at the beginning). The series of books is called A Song Of Ice and Fire!

I'm thinking of doing some Game of Thrones themed blog posts, so watch this space if you are a fan!

In Blog Land

While I was away on holiday I had 4 lovely girlies guest post for me. I loved all of their posts and they had clearly put loads of effort in! So thanks once again girls. Find the links to their posts below;

Erica's DIY Pom Pom Necklace

Also, I'm hosting a giveaway which ends on the 27th August. If you are planning a wedding or party it could be just the thing for you! Find the post here.

My Favourite Posts


  1. Love Game of Thrones, my other half and I read through the whole series once we had watched the first few episodes. They have done such a great job of making it into a television series. I can't went for the finall book/books to come out, although I might have to reread them all, so much happens I'm going to forget it all! :)

    1. i know what you mean! I would definitely like to re-watch the first 3 series before the 4th series comes out. It will be really interesting to see it again now that I know who everyone is, it was a bit confusing to start off with because there are just so many characters!
