
Saturday, 1 June 2013

May Review

What We Watched

Quartet - This is a very sweet film based in an old peoples home for retired musicians. Billy Connoly is very funny in it.
Star Trek Into Darkness - I'm not a huge Star Trek fan but I did really enjoy this.
The Great Gatsby - I was really looking forward to seeing this and it didn't disappoint! Loved it!

Game of Thrones - We just started watching this 2 weeks ago, and we're already nearly at the end of the second season! We're enjoying it (obviously), the plot is great, but it's a bit incestuous isn't it? I'm not used to all this nakedness either.

What I Read

Hope: A Tragedy - I should have guessed from the title that this book would not end well.  Up until this point it was fairly light and humorous writing. Despite the fact that it focuses heavily on holocaust survivors... Lets just say an elderly Anne Frank Makes an appearance or two!
Vision in White - Despite the awful title of this book it was actually a good read.  Since I am planning a wedding it was quite topical. The book is about 4 girls that run a wedding venue, this one is about the photographer but there are 3 more books each focussing on a different girl. 

In Blog Land

I was nominated for a Liebster award by Sara from Color.Paint.Create. Thanks so much Sara!  I'm going to cheat a bit because I was kindly awarded one of these a little while ago (see it here), so I will just answer Sara's questions;

1) When and why did you start blogging? A year ago on tuesday! I started blogging because I wanted to keep a record of my life and all the crafty things I was doing. I also wanted to meet like minded people.
2) What are your longterm goals? I guess I would really like my blog to be a source of income for me. Either that, or open an amazing shop with lots of pretty things in it!
3) When you aren't blogging, what are you doing? Reading, going to the cinema, watching Game of Thrones, and at the moment planning a wedding and getting organised to move house!
4) What's your favorite memory? This is a difficult one. I have a really bad memory. I suppose it would have to be getting proposed to, that was quite good.
5) What was the last thing you learned to do? I bought an IMac recently, and it has taken some learning to get used to that! 
6) What is your greatest accomplishment? To have blogged regularly for a whole year! There is probably something more important but I can't think of it right now!
7) What traits/characteristics did you inherit from your parents? All my friends tell me I am like my mum. I think it is usually when I am telling a story or something. I guess I just have similar mannerisms!
8) What motivates/inspires you? Seeing the fantastic things that other people have achieved. I love reading blogs for this reason, it gives me something to aspire to.
9) What is something you've always wanted to do? I used to want to write a sitcom. I would still like to do that now actually.
10) What's stopping you? I can't find the time!
11) How do you feel right now? Like I need a cup of tea.

Katie from Hook Line and Sink Her also nominated me for a versatile blogger award! Thanks Katie I'm going to cheat again I am afraid, but I will name 7 things about me as the award requires;

1. I eat with my knife and fork in the wrong hands even though I am not left handed.
2. My favourite Ice Cream to eat at the cinema is Mint Choc Chip - I have it every time I go! If I am eating it at home on the other hand, I would opt for Cookie Dough.
3. I don't have many shoes. I know girls are supposed to have loads but I am really failing in that department.
4. I really like avocado. I would eat it in all my meals if I could. I once had a burger at Deans Diner with guacamole in it and it was the best thing ever!
5. I get stressed quite easily, especially if i suddenly realise that my room is a mess like I just have done. Aargh!
6. I love the the colours turquoise and mint and every shade in between.
7.  I have 41 nail varnishes. Most of them I don't even use!

My Favourite Posts


  1. May was such a great month for your blog! I've just loved all your posts! Inspiring stuff, lovely! xxx

    1. Thanks :) It's funny, when i'm writing the posts I'm never that happy with them, and then once I get to the end of the month they all look so much better somehow. I'm really glad you like them :)

  2. I love reading your blog. So very inspiring and cute. :)

    Jenn V.
