
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Decorating The Lounge - An Update

hexagonal yellow shelves
Hi Guys! I'm just popping in quickly today to show you something I am very excited about!  We recently redecorated our lounge and I am just adding the finished touches now. I can't wait to show you the finished product in the next few weeks! I posted the 'before' pictures of the lounge back in November 2013, so it's taken us quite a while to get our bums in gear, but finally we are nearly there!

One of my favourite (and most extravagant) purchases, are some lovely hexagonal shelves. I bought them made to order from Etsy so that they would match our grey and yellow colour scheme, and they arrived last week! Eek! You can see one of them above but we have three all together. I can't wait to get them up on the wall!

Yesterday I had a day out with my Mum and Grandparents, and on our little shopping expedition I found the glass terrarium above for a barganous £14.99, so I had to snap it up so I could display it on the new shelves!

We're going for a kind of botanical theme to the room, and I'd love to get one of those school wall hangings, like the one below from MightyVintage, but they are rather pricey, so I'll have to keep thinking on that!
school botanical wall hanging

Have you spotted anything that might fit with my theme? I'm after an old botanical encyclopaedia as well so that I can hang some of the pages in kiko frames, so let me know if you see any of these on your travels!

So far, everything else we have bought has been from Next, H&M home, and Ikea, as well as a few things I have bought from the dump and spruced up!  Where are your 'go to' shops when choosing new furniture and decor?

Laura xXx


  1. I love those old-school (literally!) botanical charts. You can also get them on ebay. Can't wait to see your before and after photos :) xxx

    1. They are rather lovely aren't they!? I'm trying to work out if it would be possible to make one myself without it looking a total mess, I suppose its worth a try considering the price they are, yikes!
