
Friday 7 November 2014

My Favourite Make-Up Products

Today I thought I'd write about something a little bit different.  I've not really talked much about make-up on the blog before, mainly because I don't know a huge amount about it, and I tend to stick to my firm favourites. But I know that I like to hear what works for other people. In fact, most of the items now in my make-up bag are there because I found recommendations for them on blogs and youtube channels when I was researching for my wedding. 

So, in case you are interested too, here are my favourites, and why I think they are good!
favourite nars make-up
NARS is tricky to get hold of, but it's definitely worth the hunt! 

NARS sheer glow foundation (Deauville)
I was desperate to get my hands on a NARS foundation for the wedding, I'd read really good things about it, and had seen that it was particularly good for wedding photos as it doesn't have any SPF in it. I finally managed to test it out in a shop in Bournemouth, and after walking around in it for a few hours I decided I really liked it.  After applying it almost feels like powder on the skin, compared to others I have tried (such and Bobby Brown) which felt quite thick and oily. It did me well on my wedding day and has stood the test of time since then, I think it is a winner.

NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer  (Vanilla)
This concealer is my absolute saviour.  Most days I will just wear this over any blemishes and I feel good to go.

NARS Blusher (Gaiety)
The blusher comes out on the skin as a really pretty pastel pink. I like to wear it on the apples of my cheeks to give just a hint of colour.

real techniques make-up brushes
Real Techniques Brushes by Sam and Nicole Chapman
I apply all of the above products with Real Techniques brushes.  I watched a lot of Pixiewoo tutorials before my wedding, and I think they are great, and the brushes they have produced are fantastic! Best ones I've ever owned for sure.

dr haushka powder duo
Dr Haushka Powder Duo
I find this really handy for a bit of contouring on the cheek bones. I hardly use any though, and its lasting me absolutely ages!  I think Dr Haushka is a great company too!

Maybelline New York Waterproof Illegal Length Mascara
My eyelashes are the straightest eyelashes you will ever see, they are an absolute nightmare to keep curled! So much so that I actually had them permed for my wedding!  Previous to this I had the same mascara for years, it was the only one that was thin enough not to weigh down my lashes immediately.  Unfortunately they then stopped producing it and I couldn't find anything decent to replace it for ages! Finally I found this one, and seems to do the job thankfully, hurrah!

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer 
I bought this to keep my make-up in place on my wedding day, it was actually one recommended by Pixiewoo, and it definitely does a great job! Again, I went for one with no SPF for the wedding photos.

urban decay eyeshadows vol 2
Urban Decay Vol 2
These eyeshadows have lasted me for absolutely yonks! They are the only ones I own now, and I love the colours, the packaging is pretty cool too.
my make-up bag
So those are my favourite make-up products. Have you got any favourites that I should give a go?

 Laura xXx


  1. I love Urban Decay eyeshadows. I've had a palette for ages too - they just seem to last forever! I've never used NARS before but I've heard good things. I use Diorskin Forever foundation which I love but always on the lookout for something bigger and better!

  2. They do last for ages! Nars is really good, just super tricky to get your hands on!

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