
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Wedding Photos - The Boys Get Ready

wedding table placements
I've shown you the girls getting ready, now its the boys turn! Chris, his best man and ushers, all stayed at his parents house the night before, which was about an hour away from the church and venue. They had strict instructions to leave no later than 9am, as they had very important jobs to do at the marquee, such as sorting out the table placements. I was pretty nervous about leaving this up to chris, but I arranged each table in a very organised envelope so that he wouldn't get too confused, and he did a great job! Phew!
Here is best man Ollie fixing Chris's tie for him, and Usher Tim capturing video footage of the all important moment! These boys really did work hard for us, we were very lucky to have them all!
wedding video
succulent button holes
My Mum made all of the button holes from succulents and some other pretty twiddly bits of flowers (no idea what they were!) The ties came from Swagger and Swoon.

The boys all play in an awesome wedding band called Mister Kanish, so not only did I have the music for the night sorted, but they also came ready with suits! We didn't want to spend silly money on new suits when they all had perfectly good ones already.

If you're interested here's a clip of them playing in their vintage style band below, they really are very good. (Not biased at all!). Take a look and if you like them you can hire them from The Band Boutique here. If you didn't already know Chris and I run a function band agency, of course Mister Kanish are our top band!
At this point it was probably chucking it down with rain, but the skies managed to clear enough for them to get a quick pic in front of our little Tipi.
groom and best man
And here's Chris driving to the Church in Pip! Ooooh, next time I'll be showing you the ceremony, which really was one of my favourite bits of the whole day!

Laura xXx

All photos were taken by my wonderful photographers Peach and Jo Photography!


  1. Such beautiful photos and memories! Look at the concentration on Chris' face, bless him. The button holes are so stunning!

    Best wishes, Danielle x

  2. oh! FAB band! Love it!! I'm going to have to try and share this.

    1. Glad you like it :) They've got lots of other videos on their youtube channel too!

  3. They all look so dapper- especially the shots in monochrome! xxx
