
Saturday 9 November 2013

Smoothies and Supplements

udo's choice oil supplement
Healthy eating is something that is really important to me. I'm not saying I don't like my fair share of treats (hello Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream!) but at the same time I am quite conscious of making sure I get enough of the right things in my diet.

Nearly every day I will start the morning with a green smoothie. I am always trying to think of new healthy things to add to this, so I was really happy when Detox.Me got in touch and asked if I would like to review their Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend.

green smoothieThis oil blend contains a huge array of good for you oils, and provides Omega 3, 6 and 9. The product is suitable for vegans, so I guess this would be a great way for anyone who doesn't eat fish to get their  omega 3 in! 

Some of the benefits Udo's choice can provide includes; healthy glowing skin, gain of energy, weight loss, reduction of inflammation, muscle soreness and reduction in the risk of heart disease and lubricates joints. As well as being great for enhancing your sporting performance the natural way. Sounds good to me!

I have been adding a little of this to my green smoothie every morning, and I have found it incredibly easy to include into my diet that way. I haven't noticed that it makes it taste any different either which is great! You can also mix it with pasta, drizzle it over vegetables, put it in porridge and use it to make your own dressings. Although you are advised not to heat it as it greatly reduces the nutritional value of the oils.

If you are interested in improving your diet, I would highly recommend investing in a blender and getting into the habit of having a smoothie everyday. Its such an easy way to make sure you are getting your 5 a day, as well as introducing some supplements like Udo's choice with minimal effort.

Want some inspiration for smoothie ideas? Check out some of my favourites below!

watercress, blueberry and pineapple smoothie

mango, banana and goji berry smoothie

pina colada smoothie

What do you like to add to your smoothies?

Laura xXx

Disclaimer - The product mentioned above was sent to me free of charge, however all opinions given are my own.


  1. I love smoothies! Although my stomach doesn't seem to like them! I love the cups you drink them out of, where are they from?! xx

    1. Here is a link to the easy shop I got them from, although it looks as if they are on holiday at the moment :) -

  2. Replies
    1. They were all pretty yummy! Except maybe the avocado one, bit of a funny texture :s

  3. That oil sounds like a really good idea- as a veggie I find it hard to get those sorts of oils into my diet. xxx

  4. Wow!! These really were pretty yummy!!
    I like Pina Colada very much!!
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