
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Our New House

our new house
I'm finally moving into my very own house! (Yes thats a little drawing of it above) We get the keys on friday and I have to say I am super duper excited!

The last few days have mostly consisted of; organising life insurance, house insurance, ringing gas, electric, water and telephone companies, packing things away, making list of things we need, and generally not sleeping much through all the excitement and stress!

You might remember this post in March, when we had just put an offer in on a house.  We actually got the whole way through the process on our side, when we found out that our seller wasn't doing so well, and actually hand't even found anywhere to move to. Knowing that this would probably take him 3 months even if he found somewhere immediately, we decided to go and look at some other properties to keep our options open. Also, the more we thought about it, the more concerned we were that the house might not be big enough for us long term, and we would have to move if our family happened to grow!

Anyway, the day we found out, we went to look at a house which was quite a lot more than we had set out in our original budget. I think I pretty much fell in love as soon as I walked into the kitchen. It was a really good size and was decorated nicely too, and it had a beautiful cooker. One of my main priorities when we started looking at houses was that there was room enough in the kitchen to sit down and socialise. The other house didn't have this, but this one certainly did! I could just imagine it!

As we viewed the rest of the property there was nothing that really put me off.  All of the rooms were painted white, and the downstairs had floorboards, which was exactly what I wanted to do to the other house. The bathroom and shower room were both lovely and you could really tell that the owner looked after everything well.

After we left, we decided to go and look at some other houses at a similar price, just to check there wasn't anything we liked better. There wasn't! We went to see 3 other properties, and the whole time I was just concerned that we would miss out on the other one if we waited too long. So we went back to view the property for a second time, and I loved it just as much, if not more! We also found out that the owener had found somewhere she wanted to move to, but she would have to rent first, which meant there would be no chain, perfect for us!

So a week later we put in an offer, unfortunately that was rejected, but we put in a second one and it was accepted! Hurrah! Up until this point I don't think I quite believed it was going to happen, since it went wrong on the last house, but now it is official, only 2 days to go!

I am really excited to show you around the house once we get in, and hopefully it won't be long before I have lots of DIY's on the go! I can't wait! 

Sorry for the radio silence for the next few days, I promise I will have lots of lovely posts for you soon!

Laura xXx


  1. Oh how exciting Laura! And your little drawing is lovely, it looks like a beauitiful home! xx

  2. Oh how exciting, congrats! I hope your move goes well :)

    Jess xo

  3. Congratulations!! How very exciting- the house looks and sounds lovely. Can't wait to see some photos (because I'm nosey, and ruddy love house photos) xxx

    1. Thanks Katie, don't worry, there will be lots of house photos! I am sure everyone will be sick to death of them by the time I finish!

  4. Very exciting- hope all goes well with the move :)

  5. Enjoy your new home, so exciting!

  6. Yay! Congratulations! That little drawing is adorable. I can't wait to see what your house looks like!!

  7. Thanks for your tips, Laura! Buying a house is a long and tiring process, especially for the first timers. That's where real estate agents come into picture. Asking for professional help is the easiest way out.

    -Leonard George @ Remax-Crest-Vancouver-BC

  8. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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