
Wednesday 1 May 2013

April Review

In Life

The big news this month is that I have handed my notice in at my day job! Some may say this is slightly crazy since we just had our offer accepted on a house! It was a tough decision to make, especially since I am a creature of habit and am terrified of change! But it was time for something different, and sometimes you just have to be brave and jump in! Chris and I want to grow our business,  The Band Boutique, and at the moment he just doesn't have the time to do it all on his own, so that is where I will be stepping in. If you are looking for a band or musician for your wedding or event then I am your gal! Also I am really excited to spend more time on this blog! Commuting to work has been taking up at least an hour and a half of each day, so I will have loads more time to spend whipping up ideas. My last day is May 10th, so wish me luck, I may cry!

Also, Chris's sister Rosie asked me to be one of her bridesmaids! Yippee!

What We Watched

Trance- We went to see this at the cinema. This film had more twists than a twisty-turny thing! It was quite difficult to keep up because it is largely about hypnotism and I wasn't sure what was real and what wasnsn't. But overall it was very enjoyable.
Grabbers - This is kind of a Sean of The Dead with sea monsters instead of zombies. I was a bit dubious because I hadn't heard of it before, but it was actually quite good! And the CGI sea mosters were better than I expected.
Despicable Me - We decided to watch this after spotting it on LoveFilm. Cute characters and an evil "genius" as a protagonist. What's not to love?
Evil Dead (The original) -  I know that this is a cult film, and if I was cool I would love it, but I'm afraid I'm not and I didn't! I actually found it quite boring (gasp!), sorry Evil Dead fans, this one was just not for me.
Evil Dead 2 - I had heard that the second film was better than the first, but again I was disappointed. It was basically the first film again with a weirder beginning and end. 
Shaun Of The Dead - I caught this on the TV. It's one of those films that you can't tear yourself away from even if you have seen it loads of times before! I have always loved Sean Pegg and Nick Frost since Spaced, and I think that everything they have done since has been great too!

What I Read

Bright Young Things - Not to be mistaken for the film of the same name, this book is actually about a group of twenty somethings who all apply for a mysterious job advert, and subsequently are drugged  and kidnapped, and awake on an island. With no idea what they are doing there the group start to get to know eachother.  Unfortunately this book seems to have lost its ending, just as it is getting good the book just stops, leaving us with a million unanswered questions and not in a particularly good way either! The one thing I did enjoy about this book was a nostalgic references to 90's films, games, bands and TV programmes, other that that, it was a bit of a disappointment.
Life After LifeThis was a really fantastic book. Thanks to my new twitter buddy @acaseforbooks for suggesting this to me. You can read the full review here, and I strongly recommend that you do!
The Hundred-Year-Old-Man Who Climbed Out Of A Window And Dissappeared Oh my goodness, I loved this book! It was just the kind of light relief I needed after reading some fairly depressing books of late.  I will probably do a full review on this shortly so stay tuned.

In Blog Land

You may have noticed that the other day I posted my very first video! I am really excited about this because it was something I was terrified to do, but now that I have done it I am really pleased, and I am keen to do lots more in the future. I have got ideas for DIY's and Vlogs already! The video is actually a tutorial on how to put in Bobby Glam hair extensions, which is a bit of a departure from the norm, but I'd love to hear what you think of it!

My Favourite Posts

Laura xXx


  1. Congrats on the house offer being accepted and on taking the plunge and handing in your notice! I have no doubt it will all work out brilliantly and next year you'll be blogging from the back of a tour bus :) xx

    1. Oh I hope so! I'm not quite sure what to expect but it's all very exciting :)

  2. Lovely posts, I really like your blog; I'm your newest follower x

    1. Thanks Francisca :) I've just popped over to your blog, I love your blog header, it's super cute!
