
Friday 1 March 2013

February Review

In Life

As you may have seen in this post, Chris's little sister got engaged! It is crazy to think how fast things have moved in the last couple of years, and how grown up we are getting! We have a good few years of wedding excitement ahead now, hurrah! We have also been looking at houses to buy, we really must be proper grown ups now!      

What We Watched

12 Monkeys - I loved this crazy film! Basically Bruce Willis is in the future, and nearly everyone on the planet has been wiped out by a terrible disease. Brucey is sent back in time to try to gather evidence about the disease and how it was created.  Or is he just a mental case... you decide.  Brad Pitt also plays a brilliant, if slightly unstable character in this film. Definitely worth a watch
Bunny and The Bull - This was a bit of a trippy film about a guy who hasn't left his house for a year and the story behind it. It's by the same people behind The Mighty Boosh, and you could definitely tell! Many of our favourite Boosh actors appear too. If you liked the Mighty Boosh you will probably like this. Otherwise, you might be a bit confused!
The Brothers Grimm - I really enjoyed this film, it probably wasn't a perfectly accurate portrayal of how The Brothers Grim created their tales, but it was certainly an exciting one! It starred Matt Damon and Heath Ledger (who seems to have gone a bit Captain Jack Sparrow),  and had the perfect balance between darkness and comedy. It was worth a watch!

What I Read

The 5 people you meet in heaven- I did enjoy this book, and the concept behind it is very interesting. Apparently there is a made for TV movie of it starring Jon Voight which I would be interested to see.
The Night Time Circus- This book was amazing! You can read my full review here.
Life of Pi - Another great book. Hopefully I will do a review about this one soon! I am looking forward to watching the film too.

In Blog Land

This month I delved into my very first blogger meetup! You can read my post about it here, Rachel's post here, Harriet's post here, and Rosie's Post here

My Favourite Posts

1 comment:

  1. The Life of Pi is one of my favourite books ever
