
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Cambridge Blogger Meet

On Saturday the long awaited Cambridge Blogger Meet (or as it became known #camblogmeet) finally happened! I travelled up with Harriet and Rachel who I met for the first time not long ago at our little Southampton bloggers meet. You can see from the above photo just how excited we were!

It was jolly lucky that we all got along so well as the journey to Cambridge took us over 3 hours! But honestly, I couldn't have found 2 nicer girls to spend 6 hours traveling with.
We spent the time very wisely, taking photographs, making sure Rachel's nails were painted, and making lots of silly Vine videos! If you follow me on twitter you may have seen some of our highly entertaining productions.
Finally, we arrived at our destination, to be greeted by the one and only Claire from Claireabellemakes. Claire had pretty much organised the whole event by herself, and what a great job she did too! The most exciting sight was on walking in, not only were we greeted by a whole team of bloggers, but also waiting for us was a lovely goodie bag each! I'll be doing a seperate post on those tomorrow showing all of the goodies inside.
After we had inspected our goodie bags thoroughly there was a draw for 2 extra prizes. One was 5 free Graze boxes, and the other was a free months subscription to Crafty Creatives. I was very lucky that Harriet pulled the name out of the hat (literally Claire's hat), because she picked my name out! Hurrah! I will now be eagerly anticipating my Crafty Creatives box to come next month!
The event was held at Ta Bouche in Cambridge, who kindly put up with us and served us some wonderful drinks and food. We started off with some delicious smoothies, I then had a superfood salad whilst everyone else seemed to have a burger (I was a bit jealous), and of course we had cocktails to finish!
There were just so many of us that sadly I didn't even manage to speak to all the bloggers there! But the ones I did speak to were lovely. Here I am below, an honorary member of the illustrators corner. I stole this photo from Claire's post about the day.
From left to right, Stacie, Emma, Rachel, Emma, Harriet and me!

After the cocktails, those of us that were left went on a mini tour of Cambridge, led by the members of the party that lived in the city. We went to a pretty shop, found a craft market, delved into a sweetie store, and saw a man playing a guitar in a dustbin!
Then we did the grown up touristy bit and had a peek at Trinity College, it was so pretty! The picture below is another one I have pilfered from Claire's post. The same motley crew as the picture earlier with the addition of Michaela on the far right.
After all of that walking we felt we had deserved a rest, so we decided to go for dessert. I had that yummy chocolatey thing above, it was delicious! And look at Rachel's eaton mess, that looked yummy too!
All in all it was a fabulous day, and I discovered that bloggers really are the friendliest people! I am so glad that this little blog has led me to a new group of friends and exciting adventures! What fun!

Tomorrow I will fill you in on what was in the goodie bag, I know you are excited to find out! 

Laura xXx


  1. Ah this looks lovely and I've always wanted to visit Cambridge too! (: Your salad looks amazing as well, although I'd probably get jealousy pangs for burgers too if everyone around me was gorging (: xx

    1. Once I got my chocolate pudding I felt satisfied! What I saw of Cambridge was lovely, you should go! :)

  2. great post laura! ... i wonder if the other people had as much fun on their journey as we did (i bet they were super jealous of our vine videos haha!) x

    1. I don't think anyone could beat our journey, I am sure the Vine videos will go down in history! Haha :)

  3. It looks like a lovely day, I've never been to Cambridge.

  4. Super blog post and I see I didn't manage to escape from being in the pictures totally lol! Must hide better next time ;) It was lovely to see you and I wondered who had ordered the superfood salad. It looks tasty!

    1. Not quite, that was a sneaky one! haha. I'm sorry we didn't get to chat! The day was a bit of a whirlwind for me, i feel like it was all a wonderful dream now! Hope to get to see you again in the near future :)

  5. PS I was super jealous of the fun you had on your Vine videos, I had to share with Claire when we were at Ta Bouche!

  6. The Vine videos were AWESOME. Thanks for the super write up Laura. It was a fab day to spend with fab ladies!
