
Wednesday 13 February 2013

South Blogger Meetup

Saturday was a rather exciting day for me, as it was the day of our blogger meet up! Four of us gathered from around the south, and we went for a lovely lunch at the White Star in Southampton.
Pictured above, from left to right is me, Rachel from Ohnorachio, Rosie Simons and Harriet Gray. We had a jolly old time and it felt like we had known eachother for yonks. It was so nice to meet new people (I don't get out much!) especially people that I have lots in common with!

It was also quite inspiring to be around these ladies, as they all have their own etsy shops. I have always wanted to sell something on etsy but have never been able to settle on what, but after our meet up I think I will try to decide soon!
As it was a blogger meet up I felt that we had to have some sort of DIY tutorial pictured. So if you are unsure how to make a cup of tea, please see my Tea making tutorial below!
I am super duper excited for the Cambridge blogger meet up now! I am also plotting another Southampton one on a slightly larger scale so I cant wait to make plans for that either!
I demanded that we have a silly face photo, sorry guys! 

It really was a fab day and I am so glad we did it! Yay for new friends!

Laura xXx


  1. You all look lovely! Even in the silly face photo :)

    I don't think I read any of your fellow bloggers' blogs- this must be amended immediately! xx

    1. Thanks :) You must check them out pronto! :)

  2. Yey! How funny is it that you feel you know people you have never met so well?! Can't tell you how excited I am about Cambridge!

    Looks like you had a great time :)



    1. I know! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help for Cambridge. Rachel was telling us what a good job you are doing of organising it :)

  3. Looks like you all had a great time

  4. yay! was fun to meet you :) looking forward to the next one, and the next one ...

  5. Looks like fun... and what a coincidence that you guys are all so gorgeous! (Apols for superficial comment but it is rather striking!)

    Really hoping to be at the Cambridge blogger meet up - look forward to meeting you if so!

    1. Aw, thanks Suki :) I assume you are talking about the bottom photograph! Haha. Hope you can make the Cambridge meet up :)

  6. Your meet-up looks ace!! Really looking forward to the Cambridge meet-up, exciting!!

    1. It was great, I'm looking forward to the Cambridge one too, not long to go now! :)
