
Monday 21 January 2013

Outfit Post - Collars and Colours

I thought I'd try something different today, so I present you with my first ever outfit post! I was inspired by my lovely new jumper from Asos, so I thought I would give it a go.

Jumper - ASOS
Jeans - Topshop
Elephant Ring - Urban Outfitters
Shoes - Brantanos
Glasses - Lensway

I must admit I had a bit of trouble taking photos of myself! It was very tricky trying to get a photograph in focus, and I ended up with slim pickings, which is why this post is quite accessories heavy! I think I'll get Chris to help me if I do another one.

Perhaps you can help me out with some tips if you do outfit posts yourself? Anyway, what do you think, should I make it a regular feature?

Laura xXx


  1. You have NAILED the top-knot/glasses look! Fab first outfit post! AND - I just realised that I managed to sqeeze an unintentional pun into this comment.

  2. I can't believe you took these yourself. Absolutely love that elephant ring.

    1. I'm glad you think they look ok, I had hundreds that were just blurry! :)

  3. Such a cute outfit! I love the elephant ring and your shoes! I've thought about doing an outfit post before but I'm pretty intimidated by taking photos of myself too.

    1. You should do it! Once i'd done it it didn't feel like such a big deal :)

  4. I wish I could do outfit posats but I look like a scruff 99% of the time - maybe when I go back to work?! (I'm on maternity leave at the mo) It may make me dress a bit smarter for work!!

    1. Haha, I can relate to that! I really need to re-vamp my wardrobe! This jumper was item number 1! :)

  5. Very cute! I love those shoes<3 And your nails of course, they are stunning!

  6. I always have issues photographing myself, which is why you'll rarely see them on my blog :] My camera doesn't have the ability for a "remote", so it makes it nearly impossible to get a good shot! Darling outfit!

    1. I've got a timer setting on mine so I used that, but it took a lot of walking backwards and forwards! :)
