
Saturday 1 December 2012

November Review

 In Life

Its been a fairly quiet month this november. I have finally been offered a permanent job at work, which is great! I have been working as a temp for 3 and a half years, so it feels great to have been taken on at long last! 

What We Watched

Tron - (The original one) Anything with Jeff Bridges in is going to be good to some extent. Tron is a pretty weird film, but it has a cool concept. I'm a fan of 80's films so I was always going to be happy, but I think the 'special effects' perhaps took away from the story.

Dale and Tucker vs Evil - This film was awesome, and way better than I expected it to be to be honest. Basically its a horror spoof, where 2 hillbillys get mistaken for mass murderers. It was hilarous and you really grow to love the 2 main characters, they are just so likeable but everything keeps going wrong for them. Watch it!

Tremors - A classic, but the first time I have ever watched it. It was brilliant!

The Wolfman - Can't complain, this was what is said on the tin. It was pretty good. I hadn't really seen Benicio Del Toro in a main role before, I didn't really know who he was to be honest, but now I do! Especially since he was in the next film we watched which was...

Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas - Now this was a really weird one! I read the book a few years ago so I thought I knew what to expect, but I was still a bit surprised by the trippiness of it . Johnny Depp was brilliant as always and I though Benicio Del Toro was good too, but perhaps not one I would watch again in a hurry.

We are now up to date with Breaking Bad! Looking forward to when they release the next episodes. Dexter has been great recently too but my favourite is still Walking Dead. I just can't get enough of those zombies! What have you been watching recently?

In Blog Land

As a result of my blog I got a little article published in 'Pretty Nostalgic Magazine'. I was so pleased to be approached by Jo to do a piece based on my sea glass collecting. What a lovely magazine to be a part of!

My Favourite Posts

Laura xXx


  1. Congratulations on getting a permanent contract :)

    I couldn't get on with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas- too weird for me. Would much rather see Mr Depp in something like Edward Scissorhands.


    1. Thanks :) Yes, I agree, there are definitely better films to watch Mr Depp in!

  2. YAY! On all your job success! That is fantastic. I've worked temp positions for long periods of time before, so I know how that goes.

    Now, I'm interested in seeing the first Tron movie too!

    Also, congrats on being published. That is AWESOME!

    Can't wait to see what you'll have in store for December. :)

    1. Thanks Erica :) It has definitely been a long time coming but it is all worth it now :)
