
Thursday 27 December 2012

Easy Canapes - Tomato, Basil and Goats Cheese

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! I thought I would share with you another of my favourite canapes while we are still in the party season.

One of my University friends introduced me to the idea of this canape, and ever since then it has been my most used canape recipe. We were put in charge of the food at our University Degree show one year, and of course we wanted to impress, and these certainly did the trick. Although perhaps I wouldn't suggest making them for quite as many people as we did!

  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Goats Cheese
The only troublesome bit about making these is scooping out the middles of the tomatoes. It is more messy than difficult, and it doesn't take much time at all if you are only feeding a small group of people.  Just make sure you are prepared with a bowl to put the middles and tops of the tomatoes in and a little spoon to scoop them out. You will probably want to use a knife to free the middle from the edges before you try scooping it out. Then its just a case of popping in a basil leaf, and on top of that a small piece of the goats cheese, yummy!

Top Tip! - Don't waste the middles and tops of your tomatoes, you can use them in a meal like pasta or chilli con carne.  Waste not want not and all that.

Laura xXx


  1. Ooh this looks yummy, and nice and easy, my fave kind of 'cooking'! :)

  2. Great recipe, looks pretty and yummy! How far in advance can this be prepared- will it spoil if it's done the night before? Thanks!
