
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Bridesmaids Day!

DIY Bridesmaid Mugs
On sunday I had all 4 of my bridesmaids over for a lovely relaxed day with lots of food and lots of planning! Here are some snaps we took during the day.
wedding quiz
wedding ideas
mojitonail painting
nail varnish
nail painting
team bridesmaid
We thought we'd start the day off in style with some Champagne, as you can see from the photo at the top, most of it went all over the table! Whoops!  We then did a little quiz which Kate had very cleverly prepared for us, it was very funny! We chatted about ideas and ate our cupcakes. Many topics were covered; dresses, hen parties, hair, colour schemes, music... the list goes on!

After that we made a massive order for Dominoes Pizza. Needless to say we could not eat it all, but we gave it a good go! Then it was time for Mojitos!  This was probably a foolish idea because then we decided to paint our nails, with which we had varying degrees of success! 

Hot chocolate was next on the list and I had a little surprise for the girls as I had made them all 'Team Bridesmaid' mugs with their names on! I just made myself one with a heart on because technically I can't be part of 'Team Bridesmaid', and 'Team Bride' just sounded a bit sad.  We finished our nails off whilst watching Don't Tell The Bride!

Of course, it was very important that we watched the film 'Bridesmaids' to get a good idea of what we should be prepared for! (Haha, I hope not!) So we got comfy on the sofa with a blanket each and watched it whilst waiting for our nails to dry.

It was a lovely day!

Laura xXx


  1. Looks like you had the nicest time. What sweet friends!

    And those mugs by the... awesome! WHo wouldn't want one of those?

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

  2. Oh, so fun! I just love the mugs too! Goooooo team bridesmaids! ;)

    So when is the big day??!!!

    1. Probably not till May 2014. We're giving ourselves lots of time to plan! :)

  3. That sounds like the loveliest day, combining all of the best things (quizzes, cupcakes, and... early morning drinking... *ahem*) I love those mugs- what a sweet present; between those and the gift boxes your lovely bridesmaids are being wonderfully spoilt :) xx

    1. We did wait until the clock struck 12 before we started drinking - we decided that was acceptable! :)

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