
Tuesday 27 November 2012

DIY Gift Ideas - Vanilla Sugar

The supermarkets are playing festive songs, the adverts are back on the T.V, and I have a strange urge to hang fairy lights everywhere. It must be Christmas!

I thought I would get into the Christmassy spirit by sharing a few easy gift ideas tied in a neat little blog series bow. First in the series, I bring you Vanilla Sugar!  This is such a simple idea for a gift but is
genuinely useful, a little bit different, and oh so pretty!Vanilla Sugar

• 1 vanilla pod
• Sugar
• Kilner Jar or something similar


Pop the vanilla pod in the jar, then fill it with sugar. Leave it for a few weeks, occasionally shaking. Then hey presto – vanilla sugar. See I told you it was easy! You can pretty it up in any way you like. I chose to keep it simple and used some stamps on brown card to make a little tag.

The sugar can be used to pep up  coffee, or on cakes and desserts. Yum! Also, if you don't cut the vanilla pod, it can be used later for something else, hurrah!

I'd love to hear what you are all making for Christmas gifts.

Laura xXx


  1. I've been meaning to make flavoured sugar for a while, thanks for the pretty reminder! x

  2. Hey fellow blogger! I stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd share some bloggy love by nominating you for a Liebster Blog Award. If you have't heard of it (I hadn't either until recently), it's a way to share kuddos among the blogging community. You can read about it on my blog: Hope you had a great holiday and to hear from you soon! -- Jess
