
Tuesday 16 May 2017

I've Got A New Blog!

Hi Guys, long time no see!

I just wanted to let you know that I have a brand new blog that I will be posting on every week, you can find it here -

Technically the focus is on Hen Parties and how I can help you throw one that is totally unique! But that is not to say that if you aren't throwing a Hen party that it wouldn't be of interest to you too.

I'm going to be posting lots of crafty DIY's that will still be useful in everyday life, or for other types of parties so come and follow me if you liked the tutorials I used to post on here! The first one is already up and its a tutorial for a cute crown hair accessory!

I've also opened an etsy shop which is selling my customised hen party tattoos as well as lots of unique printable items. I'm really excited to grow the shop and I have tonnes of ideas! So spread the word if you know of anyone throwing a party soon.

Also I have a new instagram which is @thehenthusiast. Again, lots of crafty goodness, but also some pop culture illustrations, and fun adventures will be posted on here.

I hope really you'll follow me in my new adventure! It will be cool to virtually hang with you all again!

Laura (The Henthusiast)


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